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Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Why are we hearing so much about Madeline Mccan, what about other missing children?

Picture yourself as the parents of a young, vunerable child, who went missing over a decade ago, yet their news continues to be ignored and untold in the media today. Thousands of children, and even adults go missing every year,  It suggests a whole range of reasons the news (for example) would prioritize some cases and let others go unoticed. So why would people ignore such tragedies.  Its all to do with the publicity such as how dramatic the story is, or how rare, or the age of the child- It's all taken into account when deciding whether  or not the media would publish the case and help those effected by informing the rest of the country. Once the country would percieve the information, those who sympathised deeply and really wanted to help would take action and help look for the missing victim. But unfortuantely, The reality is if they ever did conclude to put every single lost person's story on the news, people would no longer watch the news, why? Because not everyone is intrested, and people especially don't want to hear the similar cases of missing people every day of their lives. You can argue on the oposite side of the spectrum that the vast quantities of lost victims would have a increasingly higher chance of being found almost straight after the disapearance were reported. People would recognise the missing faces, some would be traumatised themselves and so sympathetic towards the child and the family, alot of people will be inclined to look or help in some way effectively.

Imagain how isolated the parents must be feeling when their story gets ignored, in addition to trying to accept the fact they have supposedly lost a child.They watch the latest BBC news programme claiming a new investigation is taking place for Madeliene Mccan who went missing nearly 7 years back. As much as I feel sympathy for Kate and Jerry Mccan,  there have been thousands of other children missing during those 7 years since the media have continued to persist with the story about the 3 year old child. So, now we've estabalished you need to have an immensely rare story, intreging information, and preferably a young child (like the Mccans family) what chance is there you'll have your case published to the extent that they have? Its one in thousands. Why do we listen to them more, is it because they have more money, are middle class, well educated, pushy and are more articulate? What about people who don't have those advantages? The parents are putting pressure and being minipulative on the media to publisize their issue they have been going through; its unfair on those who don't have those advantages-such as poorer families, their cases are virtually ignored.

So my question to you is, is it fair for the parents of Madeline to minipulate the media to prioritize their child's disapearance, when there are other poorer families who are incapable of doing so? Leave your comments below.

Thursday, 23 January 2014

What would Nelson Mandela say about homophobia?

Last weeekend me and my mum went to see 'Long Walk To Freedom' , the movie based around the dedicated, determined fighter for democracy, Nelson Mandela. Before seeing the film, I had a basic understanding of how Mandela fought for equal rights, and that black people were treated in such a cruel hearted way. After watching the film I was astounded by how much abuse he put himself through; I can't even begin to imagine what it would feel like to be imprisoned for 27 years. If it wasn't for such an inspiring man, the racism would carry on and possibly more countries would join in on that awful misconception of black people. Racism is still here today, but clearly no where near the way it was before Mandela stepped in.

This is the point where I go onto speaking about gay people, It's a similar case scenario, but based around people's choices of what gender they love. I'm not gay personally, because thats who I am. However, I think its perfectly acceptable if you are intrested in people the same gender as you, if that's who YOU are. People are judging gay people just like people were racist with black people, therefore why is it acceptable to hate people who love someone who's the same gender? Going back to 'equal rights', do you think Mandela would approve of nasty comments about someonew who was DIFFRENT in any shape or form? Not to mention, the word 'Gay' nowadays is used negatively all the time: 'Oh that's gay, you're gay, stop being gay'  .It's immensely childish and people need to get over the fact that people are made to be diffrent, and everyone should be treated with respect, no matter what colour skin they have, no matter what their sexuality is.

At the moment this is a topical issue on the news, due to the imminant winter olymics in Sochi (in Russia) But the question is: Should we take part? Russia has recently announced a new anti gay law; critics say the law is discriminatory and aimed at stifling dissent. It is my personal opinion that no way should we take part in such a nasty homophobic country's olympics. However, I completely understand that athletes would be devasted after all their endless training, so maybe an alternative  answer would be protesting at the games with huge rainbow flags(rainbow coloured things represent the gay movement) After all, it would be incredibly damaging publicity-wise if the Russians aressted them.

Lets stand up to this homophobia, just like Mandela fought for equal rights. Lets start at Sochi.

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Depression Alliance

Depression Alliance is an organisation which has saved huge numbers of people struggling with what could be a life threatning illness- depression. More than 1 in 5 people in the UK suffer from it, and wouldn't it be  dreadful if this trend continued? People are ashamed to have this isolating illness, due to feeling as if no one would understand how they feel. This page has helped vast quantitys of people with depresssion, even celebrities- In fact, there is even a celebrity support page. There are also other alternatives to choose from such as talking on an online chat, or a phone number to call. If you wish to help this amazing, inspirational charity you can put forward a donation, or become a part of the comunity.
I would really appreciate it if you visited this website: @

Sunday, 12 January 2014


This is an article based on immigration and why it benefits us more than if we were a country alone. European Immigrants contributed more than 34% in taxes than they recieve in benefits during the decade leading up to 2011. We should stop vilifying and assuming they are going to do awful things. I suggest anyone who against immigration reads this.


Man kept in garage for 6 weeks and abused

A recent news report has declared that Craig kinsella; a vunerable man with learning difficaulties had been stored in a familys garage for aproximately 6 weeks. Additionaly, beaten and battered with a pix ax aswell as being forced into what the emaciated man described as 'slavery' in court. Likewise, he had to work the slavery hours of 7:30-12pm at night, consequently not being paid a even a single penny. The only phasilities were a bucket as a toilet, a curtain to sleep on and very few meals for him to strive of. Furthermore he was treated as if he were a dog some would say, and was given  death threats if he attempted to escape. The family; david rooke and his girlfriend have been sentenced for 6 years imprisonment, which might not be enough due to the problem reoccuring in the future. I am now going to conclude theese facts and discuss why it is essential that we change this brutal familys attitude.

The evidence clearly show how aggressively craig kinsella was kept, but how do we know that many other people are being kept in this enviroment aswell? The truth is, we don't, but we can try and persuade the police to start take action on what could happen, instead of focusing what is happening in the present. In this case the police were clueless, but maybe they should investigate theese scenarios more often; we can prevent the innocent being forced into such vile conditions.

The facts also announce that Craig was given 15 grand, but the majority of the public believe that this is no where near enough to sacrifice for the pain he had to go through for 6 slow weeks.

After researching the story i have a strong belief in rising the years imprisonment of this family up to 10 years,  I would then make them be rehabilitaed. After all, it wasnt long until craig almost died from the suffering he faced, and if it reoccurs, imagain what would happen. Whereas if the family were rehabilitated, they would be released as new people hopefully...

Parking Fines

Over the past few years, many councils have been struggling to find money in ordered to pay for services in various diffrent places. Theese services can be anything from librarys to recycling tips; everything we take for granted on a regular basis. The councils have made a regime where people who want to park their car have to buy a ticket- the average price is around £1 an hour. However, if you forget to buy a ticket, you are forced to pay an immense £60 parking fine! Recent studies suggest that the vast majority of the public consider this as an outrage. Is it exceptable to take huge chunks of our income for a one off mistake? As i read futher, i will briefly show the parking debt in comparison to other fines, as well as how we could resolve this matter.

The fine average fine for possesion of cannibis is proven to be around £80, which is a miniscule £20 diffrence from the parking fine. Seeing as owning cannibis is illegial and and making a accidental mistake isn't, why should it be acceptable to give us a £60 fine? You could argue that this is where the council get most of their money to pay towards council cservies, but in the long run they could just as easily earn their profit another way whilst reducing the expense of parking fines. Did you know that motorists have to pay around 30million A month, and in westminster 1269 parking fines are issued everyday? The extravagncy is incredibly out of proportion and utterly insane, due to most other  fines are charged for either a criminal offence or dangerous actions (e.g driving without a license) etc. Parking without a ticket is not a crimal offence, nor is it dangerous. Not to mention, what if you dont have any spare capacity in your income? For instance, after their parking fine they might not have the flexibility to afford even a meal for their children.

Many hospitals have ignored the fact that the goverment reccomended to stop giving out parking charges for long term patients. My personal experience shows that people like my mother who has to pay £10 every week she wants to park at saint gorges hospital for chemotherapy. At the end she will have paid at least £200 on parking tickets, another , financial burden for her. Or imagain a scenario, where a elderly women faints at a checkout and as a result she is few minutes over her parking ticket. She then finds an envelope on her window screen, and it demands £60 of her low pention. How would that make YOU feel?

In conclusion, I believe that the council should comprimise with the public by reducing the fine to £20, that way people might feel less obliged to pay for a ticket if they are relitavely wealthy, or if they forget to buy one they aware that the consequenses are minor. The council would probably earn just as much, and the nation would be relieved to no longer have to worry as much about their parking fines. People who are genunly want to buy a ticket will do so, but the ones who are intentionaly trying to evade parking fines will also continue; this time the council will pick up their revenue in fines,from the dishonest people who really deserve it.

Stop using poor motorists as an eternal source of income!

Is it fair that the Muslim terroists should be imprisoned for life?

A recent news report was declared that michael adebolajo and michael adebowale had been found guilty of murdering Lee rigby, a prime solider in the army institution. Both of the murderers were brought up as christians but later converted to islam. They both had strong political views about attacking araq, afgahnistan and islam etc. They clearly dispised the idea of invading
these contries in particular,  due to the Muslims who live there being killed. However, is it acceptable to agressively murder a soldier; whom was given orders by the goverment to bomb theese countries, with a meat cleaver? My investigation gives the reasonings from both ends of the spectrum, as well as the murders perspective on the event; Should they be pleaded guilty for the remains of their life?

Many people would argue that the two men deserved to be imprisioned for life, because the use of a meat cleaver to commit a murder in public mustve been a hurendous scenario for a handful of witnesses. In addition, the family were devasted along with viewers who utterly loathe the murders; the attack was far too violent. Some people believe that the attack was useless, because the innocent solider had nothing to do with the goverments decisions; after all, he had to do his job in ordered to earn money.

However on the other hand, the terroists were obviously trying to get their point accross to the goverment in which they were prepared to die for-They wanted to die because their religion told them they would go to heaven. They commited the murder to convince the goverment to stop attacking all the Muslim countires. All the innocent survillians in the countries were dying each day- they had nothing to do with the overall conflict. Maybe the men wanted peace, and their religion promoted this prospect.

Overall i personaly believe theese men shouldn't be imprisoned for a lifetime, but house imprisonment until they are 70. The reason i wish them to not be imprisioned for a lifetime is because they could completely change their attitude completely in a few years time, and its not fair someone should be guilty for a lifetime, locked in a cell and never forgiven. We should also offer the chance of rehabillitation to theese men, so they come out as completely new people.