Last weeekend me and my mum went to see 'Long Walk To Freedom' , the movie based around the dedicated, determined fighter for democracy, Nelson Mandela. Before seeing the film, I had a basic understanding of how Mandela fought for equal rights, and that black people were treated in such a cruel hearted way. After watching the film I was astounded by how much abuse he put himself through; I can't even begin to imagine what it would feel like to be imprisoned for 27 years. If it wasn't for such an inspiring man, the racism would carry on and possibly more countries would join in on that awful misconception of black people. Racism is still here today, but clearly no where near the way it was before Mandela stepped in.
This is the point where I go onto speaking about gay people, It's a similar case scenario, but based around people's choices of what gender they love. I'm not gay personally, because thats who I am. However, I think its perfectly acceptable if you are intrested in people the same gender as you, if that's who YOU are. People are judging gay people just like people were racist with black people, therefore why is it acceptable to hate people who love someone who's the same gender? Going back to 'equal rights', do you think Mandela would approve of nasty comments about someonew who was DIFFRENT in any shape or form? Not to mention, the word 'Gay' nowadays is used negatively all the time: 'Oh that's gay, you're gay, stop being gay' .It's immensely childish and people need to get over the fact that people are made to be diffrent, and everyone should be treated with respect, no matter what colour skin they have, no matter what their sexuality is.
At the moment this is a topical issue on the news, due to the imminant winter olymics in Sochi (in Russia) But the question is: Should we take part? Russia has recently announced a new anti gay law; critics say the law is discriminatory and aimed at stifling dissent. It is my personal opinion that no way should we take part in such a nasty homophobic country's olympics. However, I completely understand that athletes would be devasted after all their endless training, so maybe an alternative answer would be protesting at the games with huge rainbow flags(rainbow coloured things represent the gay movement) After all, it would be incredibly damaging publicity-wise if the Russians aressted them.
Lets stand up to this homophobia, just like Mandela fought for equal rights. Lets start at Sochi.
This is fantastic, Maria. And it's not just because I agree with you entirely! This is an issue very close to my heart and you have written a brilliant and moving account. Well done. x
ReplyDeleteMaria, your writing is excellent, and I personally think that this is your best post yet. You present your views in such an articulate and comprehensible manner, which many writers find extremely hard to do! I'm sure homophobia was a subject that greatly worried Mandela! Well done, and keep posting!
ReplyDeleteThank you! x