As many of you are aware of the current disputute about the UK's immigration policies, I analayised and researched some stastics, to see what migrants really contribute to our society. This graph ubove shows the net number of immigrants who come to the UK, after a handful leave and others maintain their new lifestyle.The graph suggests that the numbers have fluctulated throughout the past several years, but the general trend of non-british citizens is increasing! However, this isn't nessasarily a bad thing, most of them come for work. Before I explain futher, the party UKIP want to limit immigration, and leave the european union, but is this the best option for our economy?
The national instution of economic research study showed that 13 percent of our society today have immigrated, and only 1 percent of those immigrants are reliant on benefits. Although that 1 percent is around 63,000- who are presumably unemployed; they too are just as likely to be assylum seekers or incapable of finding work. Yes, they may be claiming benefits but to what extend can we say no, no more benefits for you? I suspect alot of theese imigrants didn't choose to be ending up claiming benefits, but just Imagain if we said no to every immigrant who was relying on them. Consider The assylum seekers, those who were once living in poverty, finally having the opertunity to hope for a new life here in the UK, or people who can't work because they didn't have an education as an adolesent. Consequently, they will be homeless, starving and as a result the UK reputation will plument and reach its terminal velocity.
Still not convinced about letting immigrants claim our benefits? Let me question this; would you rather have homeless, beggers, even children on the streets of London, or alternatevly some hopeful immigrants, relying on the benefits to help them find work, that create our economy for more than just the british citizens. Imagain how awful our reputation would look if we didn't have a variety of diffrent cultures in our economy; this is a huge chunk that would be illumanted if you vote UKIP.
So now we've established that if we didn't allow imigrants to claim benefits, there would be thousands more beggers than we've ever recorded, and that if we didn't allow anyone acsess to live in the UK, there would be no cultures and no variety of diffrent people in our society. I have also heard a series of times that they would take our jobs, but what in the right mind gives you this conclusion, when a BBC news investigation was carried out to prove that vast quantites of theese harmless immigrants charge far less for jobs, and do more of the occupations that no british citizen is willing to do. Not to mention, alot of theese immigrants return home once they've earned a substancial amount to convert into their countries currency, which would be far more to support themselves and their families than what they would earn in their country,too.
So, if you want an even bigger deficit of jobs,a unsubstancial, limited, british society with no diffrent cultures or nationalities-which are said to be a huge aspect of bringing our economy together, then vote UKIP!
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