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Saturday, 8 March 2014

Why do teenagers get such bad press?

Ever since the age of ten, I've always had an awareness of how teenagers have the worst reputation in contrast to any other age group... my question is- why? Why do people feel the need to label any age ending with 'teen' as ignorant, moody 'teenagers'? Couldn't you say the same about a screaming, aggressive child? I've acknowledged that, yes - we are hormonal, which causes mood swings from time to time (sometimes hormones be blamed for a series of psychological problems too, such as bipolar disorder or depression). I've acknowledged that, yes - some teenagers consider vandalism as 'cool' (and sometimes they vandalise to release stress and anger within, sometimes hormones). Take another moment to look what's inside the brackets. For some teenagers, their actions are a result of something that's not their fault, and it's actually just their way of expressing themselves. Futhermore, most teenagers are absouloutely lovely despite their constant mood swings, like my friends! Therefore, I'm now going to suggest things you may of witness that may've been caused by teenagers, and you're reaction. I'm not going to lie, but we all see 'grafity' as a disgrace, to some extent!

First things first, as I mentioned previously grafity is a common source of vandalism and often found nearby railway tracks and abandoned areas. However, if its professional looking and forms a picture it can look fantastic! Teenagers or young adults use grafity the most, but the reasons why some risk their lives beside tracks, no one really knows. My guesses are aiming to feel precious and 'cool'  having thousands of passangers pass you're artwork on a daily basis, or because they are contemplating suicide (extravagant but possible). We don't know the reasonings, but assuming grafity is done by a selfish, heartless teenager is definetly a no, no. The same goes to any form of vandalism, from park benches to burned cars in the woods. Like I said, vandalising and grafitying  are how some people release bad emotions, and we all deal with these negative emotions in many different ways. Some smash and break property, some talk to others. The way people express their emotions vary from one person to another. When you're a teenager, the emotions become more and more promenant and aggressive everyday it's just not our fault. Its these hormones.

We've now established that no one really knows the real triggers of vandalism, but you've seen my guesses and hopefully you can now use them to see that it's not nessasarily teenagers fault for acting in such a way. I know that being a teenager (as do most of you!) will probably be remembered as the most enjoyable but most upsetting years of my life. Upsetting, because a lot of my time is being wasted with endless crying for no reason what so ever, but it also remains the most enjoyable experience because I know that I'm surrounded by people who are going through the same issues as me.

So next time you see a source of vandalism, please don't assume its an ignorant or selfish teenager, instead imagine yourself in the shoes of one and consider their situation.

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