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Thursday, 17 April 2014

My suspicions about Nigel Farage & UKIP

The UK Independence Party has established some fundamental principles, but I have remained suspicious about their candidates. You only have to look at Nigel Farage- People fall for his 'just-like-a-normal-british-guy' attitude and the simple  policies he produces. A Channel 4 news documentary  'Nigel Farage-who are you?' had displayed Farage drinking with his mates at the pub-Just like a normal British guy. Nigel, is not a normal British guy-he is quite the opposite. He had a priviliged  upbringing in a private school. A party leader is expected to be open to new ideas in ordered to change the country for the better. Farage is not exactly that either. The daily mail quotes an ex-UKIP member said Nigel Farage had called a woman 'Stupid' -outrageous! According the the telegraph, Farage had racist and fascist views as a school boy. Not only, is UKIP incapable of listening to any suggestions outside the boundaries of their public school upbringing, but their pro-death penalty. Just look at the petition produced by Paul Nuttal, nearly All UKIP candidates were in favour. As you read on, be prepared to hear more evidence that supports my dislike towards UKIP.

UKIP plans to cut, cut, down on the NHS spendings. UKIP plans to cut, cut down on immigrantion altogether- who aid our country's economy. Who will suffer? You. You're benefits would be risk being cut- if you claim them. You could be less well off. Healthcare could be less sufficient. No cultures-this means no business. No foreign buisness? No economy growth. Whilst all this money is being cut from the economy,yes we could save money after years. Yes, years. In the meantime, what People don't realise that paying of the debt comes at a price itself, and we could suffer as a result. Do you really want this?Whilst UKIP is strives to make these cuts for everyone else, it was only yesterday he had been accused of claiming £15,000 to run his office in Bognor Regis. There are some exceptions for UKIP, as Nigel claimed he would allow some Syrian refugees here. However, I'm convinced that if he come to power his exeptions could be abandoned. Wikepedia also suggested Farage was not in favour of same sex marriage whilst other UKIP members were. Some people even think Farage is raicist - due to his ambition to exclude immigrants is so often expressed.

All in all, I'm not a fan of Farage as you may of guessed. Don't even mention UKIP....

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